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Frequently Asked Questions

Cash For Classrooms FAQs

  1. When is the grant application open?

    For the 2024-2025 academic year, the Cash For Classrooms grant application is open from Monday, July 22 through Friday, August 23, 2024.

    To be considered, applications must be approved and submitted by the principal or site leader where the grant would be implemented by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 23, 2024.

  2. What can the grants be used for?

    Essentially any school-time resource or experience that you think will enhance engagement or outcomes for your students - that can’t be funded through other sources. These grants are not available for extracurricular activities such as sports or clubs.

    ** Note that requests for books, supplementary materials, or technology requires pre-approval to comply with CUSD, state, and federal guidelines. Visit this page for pre-approval:

  3. How much can I request?

    For the 2024-2025 academic year, staff can apply for up to $3,000 per award. Most grant applications range from $500 to $1,500, but if you need something bigger, or for more students, we want to try to help! The number of awards available depends on how much is raised through the Cash For Classrooms fundraiser.

  4. Who can apply?

    All CUSD educators are invited to apply. This includes pre-school teachers, librarians, school counselors...

  5. How do I apply?

    The simple and succinct application is available online through the CEF grant platform:

    Applications will close at 5:00pm on Friday, August 23rd, 2024.

    Before you start, review the application instructions online:

    **Note that your Principal/Site leader must approve and submit your application by the deadline to be considered. You can grant them access in the system to review the contents of your application and officially submit it for review. Be sure to give them plenty of notice!

  6. When will I find out if I won?

    All the grant winners will be notified mid-October via the CEF Woohoo Patrol which makes surprise visits to the winners’ classrooms.

  7. Where does the money come from?

    The Cash For Classrooms fundraiser is100% online. Anyone, anywhere can donate via their computer or phone. CEF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so donations are tax deductible.

    Each school/site has a dedicated donation website for people to contribute.

    Everyone who donates $100+ will receive a limited edition State Forty Eight shirt.

    The more money we raise, the more grants we can fund!

  8. Can I contribute via payroll deduction?

    All CUSD staff who would like to contribute to the Cash For Classrooms fund, or the Student/Staff Emergency fund, can sign up for Payroll Deduction to spread the cost out over 14 paychecks.

    You can view instructions on how to do this here:

  9. Do I need pre-approval to purchase resources not used for instruction?

    All grants requesting books, supplementary materials, or technology must go through CUSD’s grant pre-approval process first. This is because of the laws surrounding school materials and parent rights.

    You can apply for pre approval online here:

  10. How are the grant applications evaluated?

    All the Cash For Classrooms grant applications go through two evaluations. The first evaluation is by school leadership from across CUSD. The second evaluation is done by Chandler Education Foundation Board and Staff.

    Applications are evaluated based on potential student impact, quality of application, equity across grant types, and district priorities.

    Following the evaluations, all the application scores and feedback are reviewed by CEF and CUSD leaders to allocate awards based on available funding.

More Questions?

If you have additional questions that are not answered above, please contact our office at 480-224-3030 or by email. 

Our Impact This Year

  • Funds Raised


  • Grants Allocated


  • Scholarships Awarded


  • Access Support


  • Volunteer Hours


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