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IMPACT Chandler Scholars Program

IMPACT Chandler Program

IIMPACT Chandler logo

The IMPACT Chandler program is a recognition initiative of the Chandler Education Foundation (CEF) to facilitate students' involvement in the community and acknowledge academic excellence.

Students who complete the program make a commitment to exemplary attendance, service to the local community, and high academic achievement.

It is a unique program, fostering an understanding of what it means to be committed and active citizens, while also preparing students for the rigors of life/study after high school. 

Here are 8 Reasons to Join the IMPACT Program. 

2023 recipient of the IMPACT scholarship

Program Summary

The IMPACT program requires a student's formal commitment through a signed pledge as well as completion of the requirements by the spring of their senior year. 

Students who fulfill all program requirements receive IMPACT Honors at graduation including a letter of recommendation and an honor cord to wear with their cap and gown. 

IMPACT Honors students are also eligible to apply for an IMPACT Scholarship. In 2024, CEF awarded $111,000 in IMPACT Scholarships. Read more here. 

IMPACT Program Requirements: 

  • Cumulative GPA of 3.4 or higher
  • Cumulative attendance of 95% or greater
  • 100 hours of community service submitted and approved by the last day of spring break of their senior year. 

Screenshot of Infinite Campus to enroll in the IMPACT program.

Use the link in the red box to register and the link indicated by the orange arrow to log hours.

How to Register

Students at any Chandler Unified School District (CUSD) high school may register for the IMPACT program via Infinite Campus.

Enrollment is only available through the student's Infinite Campus account. Parents are not able to access enrollment or log hours, however confirmation emails will be sent to the parent/guardian listed in Infinite Campus. 

Steps to Register

  1. Log in to your Infinite Campus account
  2. Select the ICS link, typically located under the MORE section
  3. Read and review the information contained in the IMPACT Scholars document
  4. Please note, verification emails will be sent to the email address listed in the document. CUSD has assigned you a student email and your verification will be emailed to that address in addition to your primary parent/guardian listed in Infinite Campus.
  5. Once you opt into the program, you will use the IMPACT Chandler link at the bottom of the Infinite Campus screen to submit service hours. All hours must be submitted through this link. 

Should you have any questions, please contact us by email or call 480-224-3030.

IMPACT Program: Community Service Guidelines

student volunteers

The Chandler Education Foundation (CEF) is committed to fostering a culture of community service and commitment to academic excellence among high school students. Below, you'll find essential details about the service hour requirements for the IMPACT Chandler Program.

Submitting Service Hours
  • How to Submit: Students must log all service hours through their Infinite Campus account (located at the bottom of the app screen).
  • Parent Involvement: Parents are not permitted to submit hours on behalf of students.
  • Deadlines: Hours must be submitted during the academic year they are completed. Summer hours are applied to the following academic year. Hours from previous years will not be approved.

NOTE: CEF is a small nonprofit organization managing thousands of service submissions for students across CUSD. We kindly ask you to please be patient in waiting for hours to be approved. If you are a senior and your hours have been in 'Pending' status for more than 30 days, please contact us at

Eligibility & Guidelines for Service Hours
  • Registration Requirement: Only service hours completed after registering for the IMPACT Program are eligible.
  • Compensation: Service hours cannot involve financial or other compensation.
  • Donations: Donating items or funds does not count as service hours.
  • Religious Organizations: Hours must serve the broader local community beyond the organization’s congregation. Activities like Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, or nursery care are not eligible.
  • School-Based Hours: A maximum of 50 hours can be completed at your school; at least 50 hours must be served in the local community.
Student Responsibilities
  • Tracking Hours: Students are responsible for logging, submitting, and ensuring their hours are approved before deadlines.
  • Communication: Students must contact CEF directly for any issues or clarifications about hours. Delayed communication may result in unapproved hours.
  • Extenuating Circumstances: Students with attendance-related concerns should work with their school’s Attendance Tech / Registrar for possible allowances.
Maximizing Your Impact
  • Diverse Experiences: Volunteer with various organizations to explore and address different community needs.
  • Focused Commitment: Alternatively, dedicate time to a single cause to demonstrate personal growth and a deeper impact.
  • Resources: Visit our Volunteer Page for a list of local nonprofits or contact CEF for additional guidance.
Scholarship & Recognition
  • IMPACT Honors: Students meeting attendance, GPA, and service hour requirements by their senior year deadline will receive IMPACT Honors.
  • IMPACT Scholarship: Students must fulfill all program requirements AND submit a scholarship application to be eligible for the IMPACT Scholarship Award. Scholarships are not automatic and can only be awarded through the application process. 
  • Scholarship Deadline: Applications are due by 5 p.m. on the Monday following spring break of senior year. Students are encouraged to submit before the deadline to allow time for any additional documentation or essays. 
  • Funding: Scholarships depend on funds raised through the annual Winner’s Choice Car or Cash Raffle.

For more information for assistance, email us at, or call 480-224-3030.

Infinite Campus Link

Access the student Infinite Campus Portal HERE

Our Impact This Year

  • Funds Raised


  • Grants Allocated


  • Scholarships Awarded


  • Access Support


  • Volunteer Hours


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